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Africa Devises a Plan to Stop Piracy

February 6, 2014 - 21:40:41 UTC

Africa Devises a Plan to Stop Piracy

by Mayka Jimenez

IN THE January 22nd Ordinary Session of the developed African Union (AU) meeting concluded with the adoption of a series of measures by the Heads of State and Government of the region. Among them is the African Integrated Maritime (AIM) Plan.

The AIM plan is an action plan that runs until 2050, divided into two phases.African Piracy

The first phase, from 2015 to 2025, is considered the decade of the seas and oceans from Africa. The Assembly invited all regional economic communities to adopt and develop measures against piracy, armed robbery and other illegal activities committed at sea.

According to Dr. Christian Bueger, professor of International Relations at the University of Cardiff , these developments indicate the emergence of communities of African maritime security. The 2050 AIM Strategy is one of the first real efforts to reclaim African maritime security in the continent and to move beyond the international agenda against piracy.

In developing the Strategy of AIM, the AU recognizes that African maritime domain has enormous potential for wealth creation and that Member States have challenges, opportunities and common maritime responsibilities.

Inland waters of Africa, the oceans and seas are under pressure, says AU. Over the years, the traditional maritime activities such as shipping and fishing have intensified, while the emergence of new activities such as aquaculture. However, increasing the intensity of activities at sea takes place in a context of uncertainty.

The development agenda of the AU promotes, among other things, the development of human capital and improving living standards for all social groups, so it should be noted that the approach to regulation and management of the affairs and marine resources cannot be limited to a few select industries or sectors.

Source: Noticias Logistica Y Transporte.com [Spanish language]

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