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News: Pirates Deterred in Gulf of Aden (IRTC)

April 10, 2011 - 22:56:57 UTC

Pirate Action Group approach deterred by chemical tanker in Gulf of Aden.

A Pirate Action Group (PAG), likely to be the same PAG having carried out a series of attacks in the Gulf of Aden, in and round the Internationally Recommended Transit Corridor (IRTC), approach an underway chemical tanker. Although a mothership was not reported, 2 skiffs were sighted.

April 10 at 1115 UTC, in position 1202N – 04508E, 2 skiffs came to within 500 metres of a chemical tanker at the western point of the IRTC. The alarm was raised and the onboard security team manned the bridge wings. At 500 metres, the security team then fired warning shots. 1 white-colored skiff with 4 POB, and 1 blue-colored skiff with 5 POB, moved away from the vessel and proceeded to follow for a further 15 minutes before aborted the attempted attack. The vessel and crew are reported to be safe IMB Report.

Reports of suspicious PAG activity at the Eastern end of the IRTC were issued today. To see more, sign up to OCEANUSLive.org. If you are transiting the Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea or Indian Ocean, your reports can enhance the maritime situational awareness of your fellow seafarers, and thereby increase their security and safety.

Vessels are reminded that the coalition forces' warships may not be in the vicinity of a pirate attack, subsequently, it is emphasised that seafarers can greatly reduce their chances of being pirated if they follow precautions as recommended in the Best Management Practices, increasing speed and carrying out evasive manoeuvres is a proven deterrent to piracy attacks. The use of a CITADEL DOES NOT guarantee a military response. Before owners, operators and masters commit to a policy that recommends the use of a citadel, it is important to understand the criteria that military forces will apply before a boarding to free the ship can be considered.

Vessels are advised to exercise extreme caution when navigating in the vicinity of the reported position of the attack and maintain maximum CPA with any ship acting suspiciously. Additionally, registration of vessel movement with MSC(HOA) prior to transiting the region is recommended.

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Any suspicious activity should be reported to UKMTO in Dubai in the first instance (
UKMTO@eim.ae or Telephone+971 50 552 3215) and on entering the UKMTO Voluntary Reporting Area (VRA) bound by Suez,78E and 10S.

Information, Security, Safety; Shared

Submitted by Team@oceanuslive.org